Cindy Noonan
Speaker, Author, Blogger
Are you a Christian woman whose dreams seem out of reach?
(Don’t lose hope! God still has good plans for you!)
You may say, “If only I could believe God cared!”
Let’s get rid of those lies keeping you trapped.
Cindy offers you this free resource: TEN LIES THAT SABOTAGE YOUR DESTINY. Using Biblical truth, Cindy shares ten mindsets that undermine your hopes, and how you can overcome each one.
Believe in your destiny once again!

It’s time to soar above your broken dreams!

God gave you a dream—a dream He created just for you. Maybe your dream has died, maybe it’s on hold, or maybe you don’t even know it’s there.
That’s okay. God hasn’t given up on you.
Christian expert on the mind, Dr. Caroline Leaf, says, “There is no expiration date on potential.”
As a wife and mother for over 50 years, I have encouraged women, offered hope, and set an example while informally ministering to those whose dreams have been dashed.
In 2008, God opened the door for me to teach women Biblical principles in a small group setting which continued over a decade.
In 2011 Christ also led me to share principles about destiny in a new way…by writing a novel for kids about a young slave boy who refused the shackles of slavery. He risked everything to pursue freedom and his God-given destiny by escaping on the Underground Railroad.
In 2021, the Lord led me to expand my sphere of influence with blogs, videos and speaking engagements.
God is your Great Advocate. He died so you can be free to live out the destiny He chose for you.
Step into all He has dreamed for you because you have a destiny worth fighting for! Let’s journey together!